
Yingdi Zhu


09.2007 – 07.2011   Bachelor in Nanjing University (China)

Major: Material Science and Engineering

Thesis director: Prof. Junjie Zhu

09.2011 – 07.2014   Master in Nanjing University (China)

Major: Analytical Chemistry

Thesis director: Prof. Junjie Zhu, Prof. Liping Jiang

10.2014 – 09.2018   Ph.D. in École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland)

Major: Chemistry

Thesis director: Prof. Hubert H. Girault, Dr. Liang Qiao

01.2019 – 12.2019   Visiting Scholar in Stanford University (USA)

Research topic: Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics

Director: Prof. Peter Jackson

10.2018 – 02.2022   Post-Doc in École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland)

Research topic: Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics

Director: Prof. Hubert H. Girault


Research Interest

  1. Mass spectrometry analysis of disease-related proteins and their post-translational modifications.
  2. Chemical labeling for spatial and temporal proteomic analysis of disease-related biosamples.
  3. Study of the human microbiome and its relation to cancer.
  4. Development of methods for the detection or screening of cancer
  5. Developmental of methods for the detection of bacterial antimicrobial resistance


Selected Publications

  • Yingdi Zhu, Andreas Lesch, Xiaoyun Li, Natalia Gasilova, Tzu-En Lin, Milica Jović, Horst Matthias Pick, Ping-Chih Ho, Hubert H. Girault, Rapid Noninvasive Skin Monitoring by Surface Mass Recording and Data Learning, JACS Au, 2021, 1, 598-611.
  • Yingdi Zhu, Milica Jović, Andreas Lesch, Tzu-En Lin, Horst Pick, Ping-Chih. Ho and Hubert H. Girault. École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, EPFL-TTO/EPFL Innovation Park. Skin Cell Analysis. GB Patent Application No. 1813449.4, 2018.


  • Yingdi Zhu, Horst Pick, Natalia Gasilova, Xiaoyun Li, Tzu-En Lin, Heinz Philipp Laeubli, Alfred Zippelius, Ping-Chih Ho, Hubert H. Girault, MALDI Detection of Exosomes: A Potential Tool for Cancer Studies, Chem, 2019, 5, 1318-1336.


  • Yingdi Zhu, Liang Qiao, Michel Prudent, Alexandra Bondarenko, Natalia Gasilova, Siham Beggah Möller, Niels Lion, Horst Pick, Tianqi Gong, Zhuoxin Chen, Pengyuan Yang, Hubert H. Girault, Sensitive and Fast Identification of Bacteria in Blood Samples by Immunoaffinity Mass Spectrometry for Quick BSI Diagnosis,Chemical Science(front cover), 2016, 7, 2987-2995.




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Hangzhou Institute of Medcine (HIM)

Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)

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